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Writer's pictureBhadra Legari

Full Moon Releasing Rituals

Full Moon Rituals: Harnessing Lunar Energy for Healing and Transformation


The Full Moon is a time of heightened energy and illumination when the lunar cycle reaches its peak, offering a powerful opportunity for emotional release, spiritual growth, and profound healing. As an empath, psychic Reiki master, and crystal healer, I view the Full Moon as a sacred moment to align with the universe's energy, cleanse our spirits, and manifest our intentions.


The energy of the Full Moon is intense, and its light shines on what we need to release in our lives—old wounds, limiting beliefs, or anything that no longer serves us. It illuminates the path toward renewal and empowers us to create space for new possibilities.


The Spiritual Significance of Supermoons and Eclipses

Before diving into Full Moon rituals, it's important to understand the spiritual significance of supermoons and eclipses, which amplify the power of lunar energy.


Supermoons occur when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter. Energetically, this intensifies the moon's influence on our emotions, intuition, and spiritual practices. During a supermoon, the energy for transformation, healing, and manifestation is magnified, making it an ideal time for rituals focused on deep emotional work and powerful breakthroughs.


Eclipses (both lunar and solar) represent cosmic shifts and realignments. A lunar eclipse occurs during a Full Moon when the Earth is positioned between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow over the moon. Eclipses often bring unexpected changes, revelations, and insights. They are moments of deep shadow work—when what’s hidden in the subconscious comes to light, helping us release old patterns and clear emotional blockages. Though eclipses can feel intense, they invite us to let go of what no longer aligns with our highest good.


Full Moon Rituals for Empaths

During the Full Moon, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thin, making it the perfect time to connect with your inner guidance, release energetic blocks, and amplify your spiritual practice. Here are some rituals I recommend, with a focus on emotional balance, grounding, and healing.


Full Moon Cleansing Ritual

One of the most powerful ways to work with the Full Moon is through cleansing and purification. As empaths, we often absorb the energies of others, which can weigh on our emotional and energetic bodies. Use this ritual to release that energy.


What you need: A bowl of water (preferably moon-charged), sage or palo santo, and your favorite cleansing crystal (such as black tourmaline or selenite).

How to perform: Begin by lighting the sage or palo santo, wafting the smoke around yourself to cleanse your aura. Hold the cleansing crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and set the intention to release any negative or stagnant energy you've accumulated. Visualize the Full Moon’s light pouring over you, washing away any heaviness. Dip your fingers into the bowl of water, symbolically cleansing yourself of anything holding you back. As you do this, silently or aloud, say, "I release all that no longer serves me. I am cleansed and renewed."


Crystal Charging and Meditation

As a crystal healer, I've learned that Full Moon energy is the perfect time to charge your crystals, enhancing their natural properties. But you can also use them to align your own energy.


What you need: A collection of your favorite healing crystals (like amethyst, moonstone, or clear quartz) and a quiet space.


How to perform: On the night of the Full Moon, place your crystals in direct moonlight, either outside or by a window. Allow them to soak in the moon's energy. Sit in a comfortable position with one of your crystals in hand. Close your eyes and take deep, calming breaths. As you meditate, visualize the moon's energy filling you with clarity, healing, and peace. Feel the crystal’s vibration amplify your intentions. Stay in this space for as long as you need, allowing any emotional blockages to dissolve.


Full Moon Reiki Energy Clearing

The Full Moon is a powerful time to perform Reiki on yourself or others. The heightened lunar energy can assist in balancing your chakras and clearing any stagnant energy that may have accumulated.


What you need: A quiet space, calming music (optional), and your hands.

How to perform: Begin by grounding yourself through deep breaths. Set an intention for the session, such as “I release emotional blocks” or “I align with my highest self.” Place your hands over each chakra, starting from the root and moving upwards to the crown. Feel the energy of the Full Moon flowing through your hands, clearing and balancing each energy center. Visualize the moonlight washing over your body, leaving you energetically light and renewed.


Journaling and Emotional Release

The Full Moon brings clarity and can often surface emotions that need to be released. Journaling is a powerful tool to acknowledge these emotions and release them consciously.


What you need: A journal, pen, and a candle (preferably white or silver to represent lunar energy).


How to perform: Light the candle and center yourself. Take a moment to reflect on what has been weighing on your heart. Write freely about any emotions, fears, or situations that are ready to be released. When you’ve finished, read aloud what you’ve written and say, “I release this with love and gratitude. I am free.” As a symbolic gesture, you can burn the page (safely) or bury it in the earth to represent letting go and transmuting the energy.


Moon Water Ritual

Creating moon water is an ancient practice that involves infusing water with the energy of the Full Moon, which can be used for cleansing, rituals, or even drinking to embody the moon’s essence.


What you need: A glass jar of water, and direct moonlight.

How to perform: Place the jar of water outside or on a windowsill where it can absorb the Full Moon’s light. As you set the jar down, speak your intentions over the water, such as “May this water be filled with the moon’s energy for emotional clarity, healing, and love.” In the morning, your moon water will be ready. Use it to cleanse your crystals, as an anointing water in rituals, or sip it with the intention of absorbing the moon’s energy.


Honoring Lunar Cycles for Healing

The Full Moon is a time for heightened emotions, intuition, and spiritual practice. Whether you’re cleansing your aura, balancing your chakras, or meditating with crystals, each ritual helps you tap into the moon’s powerful energy to heal and transform.


Embrace these Full Moon moments, allowing the energy of the moon to guide you through your emotional and spiritual journey. And when supermoons or eclipses occur, know that the universe is offering you an even deeper opportunity for healing and transformation—trust the process, release the old, and open your heart to the magic that the moon holds.


About the Author:

Bhadra is one of the healers of Bhadra's Healing Haven. She is a psychic reiki master, empath counselor, and crystal healer. Her goal is to help empaths understand their sensitivity, manage excess emotions and energies they accumulate from being in the world, and create and maintain a more balanced and peaceful life so they can go out into the world and live life to the fullest!


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