Being an empath is a deeply personal and transformative journey. You might wonder, "What is an empath?" or "Am I an empath?" Maybe you know someone who might be an empath and want to understand what that really means.
Let me begin by introducing myself. I’m an intuitive empath, psychic Reiki master, crystal energy healer, and solitary witch. I work with empaths to help them find balance, manage their sensitivity to the energies around them, and uncover their true, authentic selves so they can live life to its fullest. Like many empaths, I didn’t always know there was a name for what I was experiencing. From a young age, I struggled with being in large crowds, feeling like I was absorbing the emotions of everyone around me. I often felt overwhelmed, drained, and sometimes confused by the intensity of my feelings. I preferred solitude or the company of my pets to being with others, and I could sense the emotional atmosphere of a room the moment I walked in.
It wasn’t easy to navigate this world without understanding what was happening to me. But now, armed with knowledge and tools that help me thrive as an empath, I’m here to share that insight with you. If you’ve been struggling with similar experiences, know that being an empath is a gift, and with the right tools, you can reclaim control over your life.
Let's start by breaking down what it means to be an empath and how it differs from similar experiences, like being a highly sensitive person (HSP) or an introvert. While empaths, HSPs, and introverts share overlapping traits, they are not exactly the same. Many empaths also identify as HSPs or introverts, but not all HSPs or introverts are empaths.
Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): This term, coined by psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron, describes someone with a highly sensitive nervous system. HSPs are deeply aware of the subtleties in their surroundings and can become easily overwhelmed in highly stimulating environments. If you’re curious whether you fall into this category, Dr. Aron’s website has a wealth of information and a test you can take to find out if you're an HSP.
Introvert: An introvert is typically someone who feels energized by spending time alone or in quieter settings. According to Merriam-Webster, an introvert is reserved, introspective, and tends to enjoy solitude. It’s a broad definition, and many people can fall into this definition of introvert at different points in their lives. If this resonates with you, a quick online search will reveal more information about introversion.
Now, let’s dive deeper into the heart of being an Empath. Empaths are unique individuals who deeply feel and absorb the emotions, energy, and even physical sensations of those around them. This profound sensitivity goes beyond simply being aware of others' emotions—it’s a direct, often overwhelming experience. Being an empath is like having a finely tuned radar that picks up on the unspoken energies around you. With the right tools and awareness, this gift can bring incredible insight and healing into your life and the lives of others.
I’m sharing this information to help you understand the nuances of being an empath and how to embrace this beautiful gift. Together, we can work on managing your sensitivity so you can live your life to the fullest without feeling drained or overwhelmed.
If you search 'empath' online, you'll come across a range of definitions, each offering a slightly different perspective:
Oxford Languages describes an empath as someone with a "paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual."
Healthline.com defines an empath as someone who can "understand the experiences and feelings of others outside of their own perspective."
Merriam-Webster calls an empath "a person who experiences the emotions of others; someone who has empathy for others."
Cambridge English Dictionary defines it as someone who has "an unusually strong ability to feel other people's emotional or mental states."
As you can see, some of these definitions even suggest that being an empath is paranormal or supernatural! For those who aren't empaths, our abilities can indeed seem mystical or hard to explain. But if you're on a journey to understand whether or not you're an empath, these varying definitions might feel more confusing than helpful.
Let me offer you the definition I resonate with most, one that I’ve found to be the most accurate and useful: An empath is someone with intuitive, and often psychic, abilities who not only senses but also feels the emotions and energy of others as if they were their own. This goes far beyond merely recognizing someone’s mood or having empathy—it’s a direct, visceral experience. Empaths don’t just observe someone’s sadness, joy, or anxiety—they absorb and feel it deeply, often making it difficult to distinguish between their own emotions and those of others. Like highly sensitive people, empaths also have extremely attuned nervous systems and can pick up on subtle cues that others might miss.
This definition draws from the teachings of Lisa Campion, Dr. Elaine Aron, and Dr. Judith Orloff—three incredible guides in the world of empaths. Lisa Campion, one of my teachers and mentors, is a professional psychic, Reiki master, and healer with over 20 years of experience. Her book, Energy Healing for Empaths, is a phenomenal resource full of tools and wisdom for managing empathic sensitivity. As I mentioned earlier, Dr. Elaine Aron has done extensive research on highly sensitive people, and Dr. Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist, intuitive empath, and best-selling author, is sometimes lovingly referred to as the "godmother of the empath movement."
Being an empath comes with its own set of physical and emotional challenges, often leaving us vulnerable to ailments like panic attacks, general anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, and even autoimmune diseases. These issues can arise because, as empaths, we absorb so much energy from others throughout the day. Without the proper tools to clear and release this energy, it gets stuck in our systems, contributing to health problems.
Now, I want to be clear—it's crucial to consult a medical professional if you're experiencing any of these symptoms. This information isn’t a substitute for medical advice but rather an additional layer of understanding. Sometimes, these physical or mental health issues stem from our empathic sensitivity, and finding ways to manage the energy we absorb can help alleviate some of these symptoms.
It’s not easy being an empath, and I know many of us have felt at times that our sensitivity is more of a curse than a gift. I certainly felt that way when I was younger before I had the tools to manage my energy. It can feel overwhelming, scary, and even life-controlling when you don’t know how to protect yourself from the constant flood of external emotions.
Empaths often have heightened intuitive or psychic abilities, a "sixth sense," if you will. We tend to be deeply connected to animals and nature, both of which can help us recharge when we’re feeling drained. Animals, in particular, offer a pure, healing energy that helps soothe our overwhelmed systems. We are also natural human lie detectors! We know when someone is lying or withholding the truth because we can feel the energy shift, even if nothing is said.
Empaths are also strongly influenced by lunar cycles and weather events. We often struggle to sleep during the New and Full Moons and can physically sense storms before they arrive. Our bodies are so attuned to atmospheric changes that things like solar flares and shifts in atmospheric pressure can leave us with headaches, low energy, and disrupted sleep patterns.
At our core, empaths are kind, giving, compassionate individuals. We are natural-born healers, and helping others brings us joy, even when it comes at the expense of our own well-being. The key is learning how to manage our gifts so that we can continue to support others without sacrificing ourselves in the process. When we do this, our sensitivity truly transforms from a burden into the incredible gift it is meant to be.
Let’s take a moment to talk about psychic and intuitive abilities to help deepen your understanding of this aspect of being an empath. I truly believe, as many others do, that psychic and intuitive abilities are accessible to all of us. We are all born with an innate sense of intuition—it’s just that some people are more in tune with it, while others may not recognize it as readily. Think of it like singing: everyone can do it, but not everyone is naturally great at it!
Have you ever had a strong feeling or a gut instinct about something, only to find out later that you were right, even though there was no logical way you could have known? Of course you have! We all have those moments from time to time. That’s your intuition at work. For some people, this happens occasionally, and for others, it’s a frequent occurrence. The good news is, just like singing, you can practice and hone your intuitive abilities if you want to.
There’s a lot of information out there about psychics, psychic abilities, and intuition, and it can feel overwhelming. But for now, let’s focus on the basic ways intuition communicates with us, often called the psychic "clairs."
There are four primary clair senses:
Clairvoyance (clear seeing): This is when you receive intuitive information in the form of visual images, whether in your mind’s eye or through actual visions.
Claircognizance (clear knowing): This is when you know something without any tangible explanation—this is the type of intuition many empaths experience.
Clairsentience (clear feeling): This is when you physically feel the emotions, energy, or even pain of others—something most empaths are very familiar with!
Clairaudience (clear hearing): This is when you receive intuitive information through sound, either as actual voices or sounds in your inner ear.
There are also a few less common clairs, such as clairgustance (clear tasting), clairsalience (clear smelling), clairempathy (clear emotional understanding), clairintellect (clear reasoning), and clairtangency (clear touch). Each of these represents a different way our intuitive abilities can manifest.
These psychic clairs are the channels through which our intuition speaks to us. The more aware we are of how our own abilities show up, the better we can use them to navigate the world as empaths. When you begin to recognize and trust these intuitive nudges, it becomes easier to manage the energy you absorb and to distinguish between your own emotions and those of others.
As empaths, whether we're fully aware of it or not, we naturally possess the abilities of clairsentience and clairempathy. It's simply part of the empath experience. These intuitive abilities are what allow us to feel the emotions, energy, and even physical sensations of others as if they were our own. In essence, they are built into our empathic nature.
Clairvoyance and clairaudience, on the other hand, are two of the most well-known psychic abilities. Clairvoyance is the ability to see things that others cannot with your mind’s eye—or even sometimes with your physical eyes. Clairaudience is the ability to hear messages in your mind that seem to come from outside your own thoughts.
For instance, imagine you're driving and not really paying attention when suddenly you hear a loud "STOP!" in your mind. You instinctively slam on the brakes and narrowly avoid a collision. That voice? It's from the Universe, God, Goddess, your spirit guides, guardian angels, ancestors—whatever name resonates with you—speaking directly through your intuition to you.
But here's the thing: just as many people may hear that message and choose to ignore it. They might get into an accident, and life moves forward with the consequences that come from that event. The important takeaway is that we’re always given the messages we need; it’s up to us whether we listen and take action or ignore them. This is the beauty of free will.
When you’re just starting on your empathic journey, all of these psychic and intuitive abilities can add to the sense of overwhelm. It’s one more layer of energy and information to process. If you're curious about exploring your intuition further or feel like you may have one or more of the psychic "clairs" discussed above, I highly recommend finding a teacher or healer who can guide you through this. Yes, there’s a wealth of information online, but there’s something invaluable about working directly with someone who understands exactly what you’re going through.
If you feel called to explore this path and aren’t sure where to start, reach out to me. I’d be happy to connect you with reputable resources or provide support on your journey. You don’t have to navigate this alone.
As empaths, we have an innate ability to absorb energies from the people and environments around us—often without even realizing it. We're like giant sponges, soaking up all sorts of random energy that doesn’t belong to us. This aspect of being an empath can be one of the most challenging, and when left unchecked, it can make life pretty unpleasant. Because of this "spongey" nature, empaths not only need but truly cherish alone time. It's one of the most powerful tools we can use to help us recharge and reset our energy.
This is where the introversion piece comes in for many empaths. Spending time alone is essential for restoring our energy so we can continue functioning. It’s not just a preference—it’s a necessity. That being said, while many empaths are introverts (or at least have introverted tendencies), empaths can also be extroverts!
Though I lean more toward the introverted side, I want to acknowledge that many empaths identify as extroverts, and their experience is just as valid. Here are a few signs that an extroverted empath might relate to:
You feel alive when you're around others, but usually in smaller, more intimate groups.
You’re very selective about who you spend your time with and what activities you engage in.
You experience swings in energy—an extroverted empath may replenish their energy through contact with others but still absorb energy like any empath, leading to ups and downs.
You enjoy planning things in advance but need the freedom to follow your instincts.
You have a creative side that you love to express.
The truth is that empaths can experience both introverted and extroverted tendencies at different times in their lives. As I’ve discovered more tools to help me manage my energy—like grounding practices, setting energetic boundaries, and knowing when to say no—I’ve found that I’m able to express some extroverted tendencies, too… in moderation, of course! Still, I’m much more likely to choose a cozy night at home with my dog, a good movie, and some takeout over a night out on the town.
The key is recognizing what you need to replenish your energy, whether it’s alone time or time with trusted loved ones. When you honor your natural rhythms, life as an empath becomes much more manageable and enjoyable.
As empaths, we must learn to manage our energy effectively. Over time, I’ve discovered a number of tools that help me navigate the world as an empath. At the core of our well-being is the ability to clear, replenish, and protect our energy field. Without these practices, we risk constantly running on empty and feeling overwhelmed. Clearing away the energy we pick up, recharging so we aren't operating on fumes, and protecting our aura are all vital to thriving as an empath.
Here are a few tools I use daily to help manage my energy. Each one helps me feel balanced, and often, they overlap in how they work. That’s why intention is key—how we use these tools can shift depending on what we need at the moment.
Let's explore some of the practical tools I use regularly to stay clear, recharged, and protected. Many of these tools have overlap in their benefits, so your intention while using them is incredibly important.
Clearing Tools
One of the most essential practices for empaths is regularly clearing the energy we absorb throughout the day. Here are a few of my favorite ways to clear:
Sacred Smoke: Smudging with sacred herbs like sage, palo santo, or cedar helps to purify and clear stagnant energy from your aura or space. Simply light the herb and allow the smoke to drift around you, focusing on areas that feel heavy or clouded.
Essential Oils: Oils like lavender, frankincense, and eucalyptus are powerful for clearing energy. You can diffuse them in your space or mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle to create an aura-clearing mist. Their vibrational properties help to shift stuck energy and bring clarity.
Crystals: Crystals such as selenite, clear quartz, and amethyst are great for clearing energy. Selenite is especially helpful because it cleanses and charges other crystals as well. I like to hold these stones or place them on my body while setting an intention to release any energy that isn’t mine.
Salt and Water: Taking a salt bath is one of the simplest and most effective ways to clear your energy. Add Himalayan, Epsom, or sea salt to your bathwater to help detoxify your aura. You can also create a saltwater spray to clear your space or use salt as a grounding tool by placing it in the corners of a room to absorb unwanted energy.
Recharging Tools
Once you’ve cleared your energy, it’s important to recharge. Here are some ways you can fill your energetic tank back up:
Being in Nature: Nature is incredibly grounding and recharging. Spending time outdoors, whether it’s a walk in the forest, sitting by the ocean, or even working in your garden, helps you connect with the earth’s natural energy and replenish your spirit.
Soaking up the Sun: Sunlight is a powerful energy source. Spending time in the sun, even for a few minutes, can lift your energy and clear away mental fog.
Being Around Animals: Animals have pure, healing energy. Spending time with your pets or visiting a local animal sanctuary can bring a deep sense of peace and recharge your energy. Animals naturally help to ground us and uplift our spirits.
Spending Time Alone: Alone time is essential for empaths to recharge. Solitude gives us the space to process and release any lingering energies while reconnecting with ourselves.
Being Near Natural Running Water: Water has a cleansing and soothing effect on our energy. Whether you’re near the ocean, a river, or even a fountain, the flow of water can help you feel refreshed and recharged.
Receiving Energy Healing: Reiki or other forms of energy healing can help restore balance and harmony in your energy field. It’s a beautiful way to release what’s no longer serving you and invite in fresh, positive energy.
Meditation: Meditation is an incredible tool for recharging and realigning. Even a few minutes of mindful breathing or a guided meditation can help center your energy and bring a sense of calm.
Protection Tools
After clearing and recharging, protecting your energy is crucial to prevent absorbing more energy than you can handle:
Salt: Placing bowls of salt in the corners of your home or using salt around your property can act as a barrier, absorbing negative energy and creating a protective shield.
Essential Oils: Oils like rosemary, cedarwood, and patchouli are protective in nature. Use them on your body, in a spray, or diffused in your space to create an energetic barrier.
Crystals: Carrying or wearing crystals like black tourmaline, obsidian, or labradorite helps to create a protective shield around your aura. These stones act as energetic bodyguards, blocking out unwanted energies.
Creating an Energetic Protective Barrier: Visualize yourself surrounded by a bubble or shield of protective light. You can imagine this light being any color that resonates with you—gold, white, or violet are commonly used. This energetic barrier helps prevent others’ energy from penetrating your field.
These tools are foundational to maintaining your energy as an empath. Remember, the more intention you bring to using these practices, the more effective they will be. Most importantly, you should always check in with yourself to see what you need at each moment. With the right tools, being an empath transforms from feeling overwhelmed to feeling empowered.
I truly hope you found this post informative and helpful. Being an empath is a beautiful gift, but learning how to navigate the world while managing your energy is key to thriving. If you’re feeling like you might be an empath or highly sensitive person and could use some guidance, I’m here to help. Click here to learn more about the services I offer and how to book a remote or in-person session with me. Together, we can work on clearing, recharging, and protecting your energy so you can step into your full power as an empath.

About the Author:

Bhadra is one of the healers of Bhadra's Healing Haven. She is a psychic reiki master, empath counselor, and crystal healer. Her goal is to help empaths understand their sensitivity, manage excess emotions and energies they accumulate from being in the world, and create and maintain a more balanced and peaceful life so they can go out into the world and live life to the fullest!